
Since its founding, Claarware LLC has been devoted to the development of the leading K-12 school search and comparison website,

SchoolDigger launched in February 2006 with the goal to be as user-focused as possible and to give people an easy but powerful way to search for and compare K-12 public and private schools. School data can be complex and it's a unique challenge to provide a quick snapshot of that data for a particular school. With SchoolDigger we hope to make understanding this data as simple as possible.

SchoolDigger's database and code base are proprietary and built in-house. We do not lease data from other agencies; instead, we collect data for over 130,000 schools and over 18,000 districts in all 50 states of the US. We update our data continuously and believe we are nearly always the first site to regularly post new test score data when it's made available. Test scores drive our exclusive school rankings, which are a very popular feature with our site users.

If you're a developer or researcher, an API for our data is available at